Monday, November 16, 2009

The Beginning

Since this is the first blog of many to come...I thought I would start from the beginning. This will be a journey that many of us will choose to go on together...and it is in that thought that I am so excited to step up...step in...and step out...of my comfort zone. To much is going on in this world we live in...for me to be silent anymore. And for that...I pray that what we choose to go through this time unified. This blog is to inspire and encourage us to build a strong and unified the trials and temptations of these years to come. So strap up and get ready...for we are about to embark on an explosion of exploration, excitement, and self examining. In order so that we can join in creating a better today for a better tomorrow.

I was born in Michigan...on a day that happened to rest upon my doctors birthday. The picture of me in the newspaper has always got me excited to think that on that day God was showing the world that 'a chosen one' was born. Imagine if that was you...I know that it seems silly to think...but I like to believe that God announces things in peculiar ways. So if I want to go down that path thinking that I am a chosen one...then it is time to settle that fact and get busy. I believe that one of the reasons I was created is to help create a thought that it is possible for mankind to unite. I know that that thought has often been thought of...and on the day the the people unified and built a tower to the heights of heaven...believing that they could build it to heaven...God saw that it was something mankind would explore until they accomplished the fete. Sacrificing whatever it would take to achieve the goal. So He then scattered the people throughout the world and changed their language.
(Genesis 11:4)

I look at what we are able to do today...and I am amazed that we are once again at the point that we can communicate with anybody at anytime from anywhere...and it does not matter about the language for we have the ability to learn and/or use tools to communicate. Just think about it...we are now here...we have arrived at a pivotal point in our history and age to accomplish GREAT FETES once again.

So why is it that we are not doing that? Why is it that we have allowed outsiders to tell us what to do and how to do it? We have allowed a class/group of people to lead us in the manner they choose. And it has taken us to a place of slavery...slavery the UNITED North stood up against...fought...and won a way of life for all of the UNITED States...even though we are tossed in a battle from the class/group of people...believing we are no longer in slavery...look to the manner of which we live today...look at why you wake up and go to work...look to the battles we fight...and when you take a DEEP LONG LOOK at that...I believe you will come to a point that those points are truly not yours. They are for that special class/group of people that have taught you since you were born...we were frogs in the kettle before we were frogs in that kettle. We have been brain washed from a young age to believe the system we live in is for us...when you take off the blinders and see through your vary own will begin to see that the life you live is not yours.

It is in this moment of awareness for me that has caused me to think once again of the day the the Lord chose me to be in the paper as a baby. It is the baby that is going to lead us out of this is the youth that will begin the process of being retrained and refocused to the one true call of mankind. It is the freedom we have been created to BE...and it is the freedom we must fight boldly and courageously, once again, to LIVE. It will take a rare group of believers that will ignite and infuse the 'true' revolution that must take shape and action. It is in this calling that I believe God has created me to BE!

So from the beginning I was born to BE is in that FREEdom I choose to RISE above all of the social norm, religious jargon, family and friend opinions...and LIVE out of my heart and mindset of what I believe God has created me to LIVE FREE in and BE. This is not popular...for we have been brought up to 'be' what those four factions believe to be 'true'.

So I asked myself, one day, what is their definition of 'truth'? And I was vary interested in what defined me in their 'truth'...and to be simple and blunt...'GREED' was the overwhelming prevailing 'truth'. And in that 'greed' I began to find out that it is the darkness of mans soul...that causes the deep, dark, depressing, deployment of their self seeking 'greed' much so that they created secret society's...where by only the insiders know that underlining 'truth' of the plans and plots to control and manipulate the masses.

It is going to take that rare group of people to RISE above their strong arms...their stealth control...and their overbearing ideology...of CONTROL. If this is causing something inside of you to jump with maybe one of those rare gems that is in need to hook up. You are going to be the one that chooses to stand is you that will have to is you that will have to pry yourself outside the bondage of 'greed'...and begin an amazing journey of 'FREEDOM'.

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